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1. Understanding information technology
As always the sense of a concept from some of the
views or opinions of different experts, but
still have the same meaning and the same
substance. Likewise with the understanding of information
technology presented by experts, such as the following.
MR. Everett (1986) says that information technology is
a hardware device that is
both organisatoris and forward
the social values with whom the individual or a lot of
people (common) collect,
process and exchange information with individuals
or otheraudiences.
Lucas (2000) stated that information technology
is any technology that is applied (used)
for memperoses and send the information on the Web,
micro computers, mainframe computers, barcode readers,
software, transaction processing, software worksheets
(worksheet) and communications equipment and networks.
While Wawan Wardiana (2000) suggested
that information technology is the technology used to process
data, including the processing, obtaining, compiling,
manipulating the data various ways to
generate quality information. Of the
opinions presented by the experts at the top
(remember there are still many other opinion!) can
be drawn the conclusion that information technology
is a tool or technology used to obtain news
2. Understanding computer technology
Understanding the information deduced as a
process of data processing in the form of data (information)
and use a computer or other electronic device that
functions to process including save and generate
information that is accurate and reliable.
While the Computer is a series or group
of electronic machines that consists of thousands even
millions of components that can cooperate, as well as forming a working
system that is neat and thorough. This system could
then be used to carry out a series
of job automatically, based on the sequence
of instructions or programs that are given to him.
3. Linkages between information technology and Computer
From the definition of information technology and
computers at the top, we can state that the
second definition of the link between the
two. With a greater emphasis on information technology processing of
data (information), which can be either the input data
(through hardware), saves (in CPU) and print data
(printouts) by using electronic devices such as computers. While
the computer is the media in conveying information, so
that it can communicate the information effectively and
efficiently. Example:
"cyber teaching" or
teaching maya, i.e. the process of teaching is done
using computers, the internet, e-mail, etc. The interaction
between teachers and students is not only done through face-to-face relationships but
also done using the media. Teachers can provide
service without necessarily dealing directly
with students. Similarly, students can
obtain information in a broad scope from a
variety of sources through cyber space or virtual
space by using komputeratau internet. The
most advanced is the development of so-called
"cyber teaching" technology of
computer informasidanhas given the impact on the world of
education especially in the process of teaching.
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