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F. Internet Revolution

1961 July: the first paper on Packet Switching Theory, Leonard Kleinrock, "information flow in Large Communication Nets", RLE quarterly report. This is the theoretical work that convinced Roberts that the package can be used for the internet.

1962 August: the first paper on Internet Concept by J.C.R. Licklider & Welden Clark, "on-line Man Computer Communication". October: ARPA computer Program Begins, J.C.R. Licklider becomes the first ARPA IPTO Director. Writing papers on Galactic Network internally. Lick the leaves in 64. It's the concept of Licklider, which prompted Roberts to build the Internet.

1964 – Book of communication Nets by Leonard Kleinrock provides network designand the theory of queues that are required to build the network package. This workis a major factor in the design of communication network for the ARPANET.

October 1965: the first Actual Network Experiment, Lincoln Labs TX-2 related to SDC is P32, Lawrence Roberts, MIT Lincoln Labs. This research is the first time two computers talking to each other and the package was first used to communicate between computers.

April 1969: Request For Comments (RFC) # 1, "Host software" release, written by Steve Crocker, include Host-to-Host protocol, the first output of the network working group (NWG). Crocker was asked by ARPA to put together the team, NWG, to design and specify the Protocol host first. This is a huge undertaking, requiring a fairly sharp into the application that may come on the Internet.

September 1971: Terminal First Interface Processor (TIP) on the ARPANET allows the terminal to directly dial into the network, greatly increases the growth of the network.

1972 March: First basic Email Program, SNGMSG and READMAIL written by Ray Tomlinson at BBN. Letter spooled out like a teletype printout. June: Lawrence Robertspublished a theory for ALOHA Slotted, increased two-fold in efficiency for random packet transmission by several operators. Now the basic standard WiFi. July: Email Management Program first, RD are written by Larry Roberts in ARPA for incoming messages list and forwarding support, archiving, and respond to them.

March 1975: Ethernet patents filed at Xerox PARC was designed by Robert Metcalfe.Bob has expanded the concept of ALOHA packet radio and applied to the cable.

1983 the ARPANET converted to use TCP/IP. DCA MILNET Splits off from the ARPANET node on ARPANET 68 left and 45 on the military network MILNET,. November: the Domain Name System (DNS) was designed by Jon Postel, Paul Mockapetris, CraigPartridge and to support the addressing space, creating an edu, gov, com, mil, org, net, & int.

1986 NSFNET backbone NSF Organizing to connect five Supercomputer Center andthe interconnection of all other Internet sites at 56 KB.

October 1977: the first TCP operation on the ARPANET, Packet Radio Net, and SATNET (satellite network).

March 1978: TCP divide into TCP and IP by Vinton Cerf, Jon Postel, and Danny Cohen, where TCP is L4 end-to-end processes and the routing network is IP L3 process.

July 2003: Caspian Networks introduced the first flow router in which all current TCP/IP managed to control the rate and delay, finally getting the actual Quality of service (QoS) using the TCP/IP IPv4. The cost of reducing the memory allowed the Stateof flow is maintained for each stream without losing scalability. It also allowed the P2P traffic should be controlled so that it does not use network resources.

2007 Anagran FR-1000 release, first IP flow management system for accurately controlling the rate of each TCP flow and thus can mix video, voice and data in one network while maintaining between 90% and 99% utilization.


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